Dryer Vent Cleaning

4 Environmental Benefits of Regular Dryer Vent Cleaning

When considering environmentally sustainable measures, you may not immediately think of dryer vent cleaning. Recycling and conserving water may be among the most well-known contributions to the environment that come to mind, but they aren’t the only things you can do to make an impact. Believe it or not, maintaining a clean dryer vent is an often overlooked practice that will help environmental health. Let Lowe’s Air Duct Cleaning explain how regular dryer vent cleaning can help support a more sustainable lifestyle in this article. 

1. Increased Energy Efficiency

A dryer vent clogged with lint buildup must work harder to push air through. However, removing lint will increase your dryer's efficiency, with shorter drying times that require less energy. When your dryer vent is cleaned regularly, it can operate at its maximum capability. 

2. Reduced Carbon Footprint

When you decrease the amount of electricity your dryer uses, you will reduce your household's carbon footprint. Over time, all the reductions add up to make an impact. Dryer vent cleaning is one small step toward environmental sustainability.

3. Less Waste in Landfills

Perhaps this benefit of dryer vent cleaning is less obvious but no less compelling. When a dryer has to work harder through clogged vents, it is more likely to require frequent repairs or even break down. Regular dryer vent cleaning will ensure you don't need to dispose of your dryer prematurely.

4. Better Indoor Air Quality

Of course, you can also help improve your own indoor environment through dryer vent cleaning. This routine maintenance will reduce the contaminants released into the air.

Find Special Pricing Near You

Lowe's Air Duct Cleaning will help you maintain a healthy environment, leading to greater sustainability. After all, every little bit helps make an improvement for us all. Contact us today at (800) 699-0955 for special pricing for dryer vent cleaning in your area. We help customers from multiple locations throughout the United States.


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