When you make the decision to get your home’s air ducts cleaned, it can be difficult to know which company to call. Of course you will likely read through reviews or ask for referrals from your own network, but you need to know a few things before you pick up the phone. It’s hard to determine which claims and promises to believe, but let the experts at Lowe’s Air Duct Cleaning reveal some important facts that you should know before you schedule that air duct cleaning appointment. After all, an informed decision is always best in every situation!
There are some disreputable companies out there, and you need to keep the signs of duct cleaning scams on your radar. First, there is no such thing as a free mold test, as they must be sent to a lab for verification. If the company cleaning your ducts claims to find dangerous mold and alleges they can remediate it for a premium all in the same visit, it's probably best to discontinue any further services with them. Lastly, don't trust a company that offers deeply discounted pricing to clean your system, because they will either do a subpar job or they will try and sell you more expensive services.
You'll want to do some proper research before you decide to hire a company to clean your air ducts, and the best place to start is with the Better Business Bureau. You can ask for recommendations from friends and neighbors, or turn to your local neighborhood app or social media page for advice. Next, look at the company's online reviews and read several, including their response to negative reviews. Always check their policies, view their pricing structure, or ask if they offer any guarantee with their work.
We all try to cut costs wherever we can but don't cause unnecessary damage to your air ducts by trying to save some money. When you need to have your air ducts cleaned, you will do yourself a favor by hiring a trustworthy company to get the job done. It can be tempting to try and clean the ducts yourself or to hire a company willing to do it for a low price, but that could come at the greater cost of damaged air ducts. When it comes to handling your system's air ducts, you'll want a professional company with the right tools and adequate experience.
Lowe's Air Duct Cleaning uses flat rate pricing, provides before and after pictures with our duct camera, and offers a 100% money-back guarantee on our air duct cleaning, sanitization, and dryer vent cleaning services. Contact us at (800) 699-0955 to request a quote or schedule your cleaning service. We serve customers from multiple locations across several states, so be sure and check out any specials that are available in your area.
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