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Air Duct Cleaning Services in Lakewood, CO

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Dryer Vent Cleaning for Lakewood Homes

When you clean out your dryer’s filter, the lint seems to stick to everything. The same thing happens inside your dryer vent, except there’s no easy way to access the vent and remove all that lint. This is why vent cleaning is necessary. Without it, your dryer is a fire hazard just waiting to happen. Once the vent is filled with lint, it begins to back up into the dryer. When you combine sticky lint with an extremely hot dryer, the potential for an accidental fire greatly increases.

At Lowe’s Air, we use a source removal method to eliminate lint and laundry debris. We insert a high-powered vacuum into one end of the vent and a drill-powered brush into the other end. These two tools work together to clear out the vent and allow your dryer to work at maximum efficiency.

Dryer vent cleaning services in Lakewood, CO

Why choose lowe’s air?


Our quoted price is what you pay. We have no hidden fees, and we never try to upsell our customers.


We provide before and after pictures of your ductwork, so you have proof positive they are clean.


If you’re not satisfied, we aren’t either.

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