Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning in Bedford, NH
Is your home dustier than usual? If so, an air duct cleaning service may help clear up the problem. Since 2013 Lowe’s Air Duct Cleaning has helped thousands of families. Unlock special pricing online or call (603) 369-4358. We serve multiple areas in Bedford and have several locations across the U.S. Find a location near you.

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Air duct Cleaning
You may wonder why duct cleaning is important. Families in an average six-room home generate up to 40 pounds of dust per year. Other factors also come into play. The hair from furry indoor pets, residue from home improvement projects, and pollen from allergy season all end up in ductwork too. For that reason, we recommend you schedule an air duct cleaning every four to six years, depending upon your situation and health.
At Lowe’s Air we use the effective source removal method of cleaning to totally remove all dust and debris from the ductwork. We never spray or “glue” the buildup to the side of the ducts like some companies do. The combination of cleaning tools to dislodge buildup and our powerful HEPA-filter vacuum totally guarantee clean ductwork. We even provide before and after pictures so you can see the difference. Additionally, consider complementing your duct cleaning with our air duct sealing service to ensure long-term cleanliness and efficiency of your HVAC system.
- Cleaner air
- Less dust in home
- Increased AC efficiency
- Allergy relief

Dryer Duct Cleaning
If you’ve never given your dryer vent a second thought or are unsure about the benefits of dryer vent cleaning, you’re not alone. Many homeowners don’t realize cleaning the vent is an important maintenance chore. Unlike dust, lint is highly flammable. Even though the lint trap retains some of the lint, over time it builds up in the vent and may even completely plug it.
A plugged vent reduces airflow, and the exhaust gases that should be flowing down the vent to the outdoors are instead backed up into a hot dryer — a combustible situation. Every year homeowners suffer millions of dollars of property damage due to dryer fires. Protect your home and family with an annual dryer vent cleaning.

Why choose lowe’s air?
Our quoted price is what you pay. We have no hidden fees, and we never try to upsell our customers.
We provide before and after pictures of your ductwork, so you have proof positive they are clean.
If you’re not satisfied, we aren’t either.
Customer Reviews
Duct Cleaning Professionals in Bedford, NH
At Lowe’s Air we strive for excellence in all we do.
- We use flat-rate pricing, so you never have to worry that we will try to upsell you on services you don’t need.
- We provide before and after pictures, so you have proof that your ducts are clean.
- And we offer a 100% money back guarantee.
Improve your indoor air quality and protect your family with the dryer vent and air duct cleaning services from Lowe’s Air Duct Cleaning. Unlock special pricing online or call (603) 369-4358. We serve multiple areas in New Hampshire including Amherst and Bedford. Find a location near you.