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Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning in Sunnyvale, CA

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Duct System Cleaning

The average Santa Clara County household generates over 40 pounds of dust annually, and some of it inevitably finds its way into the air ducts. When your A/C system circulates air throughout the home, a portion of that dust is expelled into the indoor air. If it’s in the air, it gets into your lungs. We especially recommend air duct cleaning services if you:

  • Have elderly or very young family members living in your home.
  • Have recently remodeled or reconstructed part of the home.
  • Have family members who deal with allergies, respiratory issues like asthma, or are immunocompromised.

For an even deeper clean, choose our air duct sanitization services. Pair duct cleaning services with Aeroseal duct sealing service to make your home more energy efficient.

Air duct cleaning services in Sunnyvale, CA

Why choose lowe’s air?


Our quoted price is what you pay. We have no hidden fees, and we never try to upsell our customers.


We provide before and after pictures of your ductwork, so you have proof positive they are clean.


If you’re not satisfied, we aren’t either.

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