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Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning in Merrimack County, NH

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Airflow Duct Cleaning

If it’s been a few years since your air ducts were cleaned, you might be surprised to discover that they could be harboring a variety of unwanted guests, including dust, pet fur, bacteria, and even remodeling debris.

To effectively eliminate those contaminants from your ducts, we use the “source removal” method. Using a high-powered vacuum, we eliminate those without making a mess in your New Hampshire home. For a deeper clean, pair this with our air duct sanitization services. We use the safest EPA-registered product available that stamps out fungi and bacteria in your ductwork.

If it’s been several years or more since you had your air ducts worked on, they may very well have cracks and holes that are causing your furnace to work extra hard and use extra energy. Our Aeroseal duct sealing service takes just a few hours and plugs leaks without any mess. It’s pet-friendly and non-toxic as well.

Air duct cleaning services in Merrimack County, NH

Why choose lowe’s air?


Our quoted price is what you pay. We have no hidden fees, and we never try to upsell our customers.


We provide before and after pictures of your ductwork, so you have proof positive they are clean.


If you’re not satisfied, we aren’t either.

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