Galvanized Metal Texture

Air Duct and Dryer Vent Cleaning in New Haven, CT

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The Most Reliable Dryer Vent Service in New Haven

If you want to safeguard your home from dryer fires (and who wouldn’t?), dryer vent cleaning is an absolute must. Lint buildup in your vent poses a serious fire hazard, which is why dryer manufacturers highly recommend getting your vent cleaned on an annual basis. Our meticulous technicians utilize the “source removal” method to ensure the removal of all dirt, lint, and any other obstructions. On top of that, yearly vent cleaning offers numerous surprising benefits:

  • Reduced wear and tear on your clothes and linens.
  • Faster drying times.
  • Mold prevention.
  • Longer lifespan for your dryer.
Dryer vent cleaning services in New Haven, CT

Why choose lowe’s air?


Our quoted price is what you pay. We have no hidden fees, and we never try to upsell our customers.


We provide before and after pictures of your ductwork, so you have proof positive they are clean.


If you’re not satisfied, we aren’t either.

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