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Choose Lowe’s Air for Dryer Vent & Air Duct Cleaning in Essex, MD

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Source Removal Process for Dryer Vent Cleaning

Dryer vent cleaning removes sticky, moist lint from your home’s dryer vent. Why is this important? When lint fills the vent, it has nowhere to go but back up into your hot dryer. The combination of moist lint and hot air is a huge fire hazard. Regular vent cleaning not only removes excess lint but also helps to prevent home disasters. Keep your family safe and your dryer working at optimal efficiency with our superior vent cleaning services.

Dryer vent cleaning services in Essex, MD

Why choose lowe’s air?


Our quoted price is what you pay. We have no hidden fees, and we never try to upsell our customers.


We provide before and after pictures of your ductwork, so you have proof positive they are clean.


If you’re not satisfied, we aren’t either.

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